Learn methods to teach your horse key patterns like "walk with me",full turns, halt, go to your "place", figure eights and more

We promise your horse will love Liberty!

Progress to training multiple horses with confidence and skill

Performance Liberty   Your horse can be a Liberty horse!

Performance Liberty Training-your guide to teach your horse essential moves and patterns, foster trust, and enhance responsiveness. Basic commands to advanced maneuvers to deepen your connection and have fun with your horse.

Allen and Sue Imagine a Horse Instructor

Meet Your Liberty experts: Allen and Sue

We always say Liberty work and play is the most fun you can have with your saddle off! We have been training Liberty horses for about 40 years...what that means for you is you have a blue print for Liberty success for your horse that has stood the test of time.

Start Liberty Training Today

 Go ahead, make the first step-we promise it will be fun for you AND your horse! 

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