Where to start?

Almost any horse can do it!

Choose an area that interests you or you believe may interest your horse- 

You may want to learn in a linear pattern or decide to work several  Trick categories at once. Mostly it will depend on your preference. We have done it different ways with different horses’ learning styles.

Many moves are the basis upcoming moves. Some horses learn in a linear fashion and some don't...you decide. 


Does your horse-

•  Offer inquisitive behaviors?

•  Attempt to manipulate world or circumstances?

•  Use objects to get attention?

•  Look at you with both eyes

•  Have a sense of humor?

•  Attempt Houdini like behavior?


IAH training utilizes incremental steps and gradual approximations and a variable reward system. 

Tricks of Trust Obeisance, Bow, Kneel, Lie Down, Sit Up and Sit Down. 

Liberty SchoolingPatterns simple to complex with one horse or a troupe. 

Tricks of Engagement Rolling/herding the big ball, retrieving objects such as a cap or frisbee, salute, smile

Tricks of Gait Spanish walk and marching steps

Pedestal Training perhaps THE most beneficial element of all is pedestal training  

Tricks of AgilityThe Salute or Jambette, Crossing the front legs, the Rear, Hind Leg Walk, Sit Up and Sit Down